
Nor’easters unite to ‘Take Back the Night,’ end interpersonal violence

The UNE Community joins a growing movement dedicated to ending sexual assault and domestic violence

The statistics are staggering: 1 in 3 women worldwide experience some form of sexual violence or intimate partner abuse in their lifetime. So do 1 in 6 men, members of the LGBTQ+ community are more likely to experience these crimes.

为了纪念性侵犯意识和预防月, dozens of students and faculty from the University of New England marched against sexual violence on Wednesday, 4月17日, standing in solidarity with survivors to “Take Back the Night” as part of a global movement to raise awareness about these difficult topics.

夺回夜晚 is the oldest worldwide movement to stand against sexual violence, with origins tracing back to several demonstrations in the U.S. 在旧金山, 费城, 和坦帕, Florida — as well as a Tribunal Council in Belgium — in the 1970s. The organization’s global mission is to end sexual violence in all its forms and support survivors in their healing journeys.

A group of students marches on campus holding a sign that reads "UNE 2024 Take Back the Night"

Dozens of students, faculty, professional staff came out to support the event. 

学生, faculty, professional staff from UNE gathered in the Danielle N. Ripich Commons on Wednesday for an evening of camaraderie and peaceful reflection. 草坪游戏, 标志被画出来了, chants were shouted speaking out against interpersonal violence, Aiden Fisher (B.S.W.她是一名勤工俭学的学生 第九条和公民权利的遵守, Title IX office interns Victoria Robichaud ’24 and 库珀罗宾逊 ’25.

The office hosted the event in partnership with several campus and external organizations, including Sexual Assault Services of Southern Maine and Caring Unlimited. Support for the event was also provided by members of a social work class who helped plan the event and coordinate outreach efforts. 

“今天, 我们前进,我们站在一起, 拒绝对性暴力保持沉默,费雪对人群说. “We chant to say we should be safe, live without fear of violence, support each other. We walk to celebrate the steps we are taking to heal and support those who are healing. 我们为了集体的力量而团结起来.”


迪安娜·巴里,M.S.W. ’17



Additional speakers included experts in the field of sexual assault response and prevention, as well as mental health advocacy and trauma-informed care. 其中包括阿曼达·克莱因(Amanda Klein).D., Title IX investigation and prevention specialist; 迪安娜·巴里,M.S.W. ’17, area coordinator for East and West residence halls; and 辛迪·阿马托,m.s.S.W.,临床副教授,项目协调人 十大网络彩票平台大全社会工作学士学位课程

“Throughout my career … I have seen progress in ways I never thought possible,阿马托说, noting that responding to and preventing sexual violence has been a lifelong pursuit. “但即使有了这些进步, I recognize the need to mentor a new generation to carry forward successes and build on them, 同时也要保持警惕,不要回去.”

阿马托概述了确保这一进展的几个目标, including ample resources allocated to services that promote justice for survivors, widely accessible and comprehensive prevention programming, 以及当地的政策变化, 状态, federal levels that lead to a more safe and equitable society.

“今晚我们行军, 我希望我们所有人都能牢记这些目标, 这样做的时候, 承诺为终止性暴力的努力作出贡献,”她说。.

Three students hold up a banner that reads "UNE 2024 Take Back the Night"
学生 march on campus; a sign reads "My Body, My Rules"
A group of students pose with UNE First Lady Lynn Brandsma

学生维多利亚·罗比肖, 库珀罗宾逊, Aiden Fisher lead the Take Back the Night March on 4月17日, 2024. Dozens from the UNE Community joined them in vowing to end sexual and domestic violence.

正如发言结束时所说, 人群散开了, weaving through campus holding candles and marching to chants of “Shatter the Silence; Stop the Violence,” and “Nor’easters Unite; We 夺回夜晚,” at once remembering those who have lost their lives to sexual violence and vowing to take visible, 口头和字面上的步骤,以结束虐待为好.

“有效处理和预防性暴力, it is imperative that we work together to set and reinforce community standards that unequivocally reject sexual violence in all forms,克莱因说. “是否获得了绿点认证, 在当地机构做志愿者, 或者仅仅认识到积极的行为, we can work together to create change within our community. We don't have to do everything; we just need to do something.”

Additional sponsors for the event included: UNE 体育运动; the Office of Commuter and 住宅生活; Campus Recreation and 健康; the Office of 学生参与; the Office of 多样性、公平和包容; Residential 学生生活 Association; UNE Habitat for Humanity; Student Nursing Association; UNE EMS; UNE Military Acknowledgement; 本科招生; the Activities Programming Board; PSI CHI Psychology Honors Society; the 安全与安保办公室; and the UNE Arts, 园艺, 和心理学社团.