Responsible and Ethical Decision Making

我们的学生行为制度支持大学的教育使命,通过教育学生适当的行为和培养一个社区,学术成功可以发生. 进一步, 我们力求通过让学生参与负责任和合乎道德的决策,激发未来领导者和负责任公民的发展. 学生受到尊重,并被期望对自己和周围人的行为承担适当的责任. 学生行为制度旨在公平公正地处理对大学有负面影响的行为,以便所有人都能舒适地生活, 工作, and study in an academic community of great integrity.

The mission of the 学生的行为 System is three-fold:

  • To maintain an environment conducive to the academic success of all students.
  • To protect the 权利 of all members of the University community.
  • 提供一个纪律的过程,让参与者体验个人成长和欣赏生活在一个社区的责任.


对违反学校政策和/或程序负有责任的学生将根据违反的性质给予适当的制裁, the severity of the violation, the conduct history of the student, and/or other criteria as determined by the conduct officer.

制裁 are typically based on precedent set by similar cases. 然而, since no two cases or students are exactly the same, sanctions may vary for seemingly similar incidents.

操守官员已接受培训,以确定适当的制裁,而不是轻率地分配制裁. 他们非常认真地对待自己的工作,并寻求基于教育的解决方案,以阻止未来的问题行为和/或调和不适当的行为.

For more information about possible sanctions view the 学生手册.


The University follows due process, which allows for fair and equitable treatment of cases brought against students. 正当程序的一个重要组成部分是在满足某些条件的情况下提出上诉的能力. 查看以下信息和学生手册,了解上诉程序的详细解释.


如果聆讯主任或大学学生操守委员会决定由你负责, 你可以在收到听证官或委员会的书面决定后的七个工作日内提出上诉. 上诉 may only be filed in the event of:

  • New evidence which was not and could not have been presented to the hearing officer
  • 聆讯主任在程序上的违规行为,对聆讯主任所作的决定有重大影响或有其他损害. 

首先, review the 上诉 policy in the 学生手册. 然后,您必须根据学生手册中概述的标准提交书面请求. For the name of the appropriate appeals hearing officer, consult with the conduct officer who originally heard your case. Upon receipt of your letter, 行为审查官将根据你提供的支持一项或多项上诉标准的证据,作出接受或拒绝案件的初步决定. 你将收到一封来自行为审查官的信,信中有他/她对你上诉请求的决定. If the request is granted, you will schedule an appointment for an 上诉 Review.

For more information about the appeals process, please review the 学生手册.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Position Statement

以提高人类生活质量为使命,致力于创造一个积极和支持性的学术社区, the University has adopted a public health philosophy regarding alcohol and other drugs. 政策, 的指导方针, 行为反应, and systems of assistance have been framed to support that philosophy.

UNE seeks to create a campus environment that promotes healthy, responsible living; affirms civility; and is consistent with 状态 and federal law and institutional regulations governing behavior. The University provides clear 状态ments of expectations to members of the community.

大学还致力于通过提供评估和转诊机制,帮助那些表现出滥用或滥用酒精和其他药物行为的个人. 同时, 应该理解的是,受到毒品或酒精的影响不会被接受为违反大学行为准则或政策的借口.

联合国不允许或纵容非法或未经授权拥有(包括空酒精容器), 使用, 制造业, 消费, 出售, 或学生或员工在大学拥有或控制的财产上或作为大学赞助活动的一部分分发非法药物和/或酒精. 学生 are personally responsible for conforming their behavior to federal, 状态, and local laws and the University's Drug and Alcohol Policy.

大学尊重学生的隐私和自主权,并认为他们的行为将合法和负责任. 根据大学在酒精和其他药物使用/滥用方面对公众健康的承诺, when violations of law and/or policy come to the attention of University officials, 将采取适当的纪律处分,可能包括通知家长或监护人. Such disciplinary action may include any of the sanctions defined under "制裁.“此外,这些人可被移交适当的执法当局起诉.

任何教师, professional staff member, 从事由联邦拨款或合同支持的活动的学生雇员必须在定罪后的五(5)个日历日内向UNE人力资源办公室报告任何与在工作场所拥有或使用受控物质有关的刑事定罪. “定罪”一词是指任何负责判定违反州或联邦刑事毒品法规的行为的行为机构认定有罪(包括无罪抗辩)和/或判决. 大学有义务在收到员工被定罪的通知后十(10)天内通知相应的联邦合同机构.

读了 学生手册 to learn more about UNE's Alcohol and Drug Policy 并了解 substance ab使用 counseling services at our Student Counseling Center.